In this register you will find all our qualified graduates, recognisable of the ICPBC logo under their names. You will also find students that are still in training with i.o. behind their names and names in yellow. After finishing their practical, theory examination and case study these students will also get their logo. They need to succeed in all their examinations. If they failed two times they will not be on the list anymore, this to keep the standards high and horse owners know whom to choose.
The registrated ICPBC bitfit consultants also have completed the PBF Professional Bridle fitting. For the ones that only done the PBF scroll all the way down.
Lauke Boersma
icpbc bitfitconsultant, pbf bridlefitter, paardenfysiotherapeut, paardenosteopaat.
Jasmijn de Bruijn
icpbc bitfit consultant, blogger, trainer, bitless bridles
Regio: den Helder
Nicole van Dishoeck
icpbc bitfit consultant, cranio sacral therapist, judge, trainer
Regio: Noord Brabant, Utrecht, Zuid-Holland
Kristel van Duren-Bodewes (Niet meer actief)
icpbc bitfit consultant, judge, Grand Prix rider, trainer
Regio: Gelderland, Overijssel, Flevoland
Eline Ferrari
icpbc bitfit consultant, dierenarts en paardentandarts
Regio: Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland
Chrissy Fens ( Niet beschikbaar in 2025)
icpbc bitfit consultant, judge, trainer, Edo osteopaat
Regio: Rotterdam
tel: 0614033710
Irene Geel
icpbc bitfit consultant, pbf bridlefitter, zadelpasser, ruitershop eigenaresse.
Regio: Zuid-Holland/Noord-Holland
Ursula Ilmer
icpbc bitfit consultant, cranio sacral and massage therapist
Regio: Noord-Brabant, Zuid Holland, Zeeland
Linda Mulder ( Niet beschikbaar in 2025)
icpbc bitfit consultant, massage therapist, official steward
Regio: Noord-Brabant, Gelderland, Zuid-Holland
Julia Munne
icpbc bitfit consultant, dierfysiotherapie en dierosteopathie
Regio: Brabant, Gelderland, Limburg
Dominique Nijssen
icpbc bitfit consultant, massagetherapist
Regio: Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, Zuid-Holland
Tess Paul
icpbc bitfit consultant, pbf bridlefitter, africhtster jonge paarden
Carolien Reverdink (( Niet beschikbaar in 2025)
icpbc bitfit consultant, grand prix rider, trainer and judge
Regio: Utrecht, Gelderland, Brabant
Elsemiek van Schaverbeke
icpbc bitfitconsultant, trainer
Regio: Gelderland, Overijssel
Pamela Stuurman
icpbc bitfit consultant, cranio/massagetherapist
Regio: Zuid-Holland, Utrecht
Renate Tolenaars
icpbc bitfitconsultant, instructor, riderfitness
Regio: Brabant, Zeeland, België
tel: 064652018
Serena Vergunst
icpbc bitfit consultant, instructor
Regio: Zuid-Holland
Ingrid Tijms
icpbc bitit consultant, grand prix rider, instructor, judge
Regio: Noord Holland, Friesland
Jacqueline Wildemans
icpbc bitfit consultant, grand prix rider, trainer
Regio: Gelderland, Zuid-Holland, Noord Brabant
Courtney Fraser
Full registration.
icpbc bitfit consultant, pbf bridlefitter, eventingrider
Melissa Denton (partly registated)
icpbc bitfit consultant, emmet therapist and bodyworker
Anna Minogue (partly registrated)
icpbc bitfit consultant, equine dentist
Eline Ferrari
icpbc bitfit consultant, dierenarts en paardentandarts
Regio: Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland
The first Danish bitfit consultant will hopefully pass her exam in 2024. Only one more exam to go. If you are interested in becoming a bitfit consultant your country please contact us.
Stepanija Pankova
icpbc bitfit consultant, veterinarian, rehabilitation and equine behaviour specialist
Christelle Boutin
icpbc bitfit consultant, pbf bridlefitter, equinefysiotherapist
Phone: +491724791845
The registrated PBF bridle fitters have completed the PBF Professional Bridle fitting. This is a profession that can be done separate of bitfit consulting and can help your horse improve as well. They do not give bit advice although not according the ICPBC. For registered bitfit consultants have a look at the top of this page. The registered ICPBC are trained in both bit- and bridle fitting.
Courtney Fraser
PBF Bridlefitter
State: Victoria
Phone: +61407057053
Valérie Renauld
PBF Bridlefitter
Phone: +14188056991
Christelle Boutin
PBF Bridlefitter and bodyworker
Phone: +33698339445
Jessica van Gaal
PBF Bridlefitter en dierenarts assistent Wolvega
Tel: 06361182837
Irene Geel
PBF Bridlefitter en zadelfitter
Tel: 071-3318881
Tess Paul
PBF Bridlefitter
Tel: 0624424302
Helena Bialek-Serwínska
PBF Bridlefitter (finishing in jan)
Instagram: hbs.bridlefitting
Phone/what's app +48784669272
Kertuu Luus
PBF Bridlefitter
Phone: +46700852365
Kailyn Pupa
PBF bridgefitter, Equine Physiotherapist
Phone/what's app +1 (908)797-7327